Crowdfunding 101: Unleash the happy mob (free workshop)

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM 27 Apr 2015
Innovation Hub at St Cat's, 2 Park Road, Crawley WA 6009

Brought to you by the social impact crowdfunding platform, this session is for anyone who wants to learn more about crowdfunding for their social or creative initiative.

Crowdfunding is not just about new music and iPhone apps, it can also be a great way to raise funds for social good initiatives! Stephanie Arrowsmith, from, will introduce you to both the theory and practice of crowd funding, dispelling misconceptions, exploring case-studies and giving you the knowledge you need to successfully launch or expand your project.

Worshop Takeaways

  • A clear understanding of how crowdfunding works.
  • How crowdfunding can launch social impact projects 
  • What motivates people to give to crowdfunding campaigns, and what holds them back.
  • What makes for good crowdfunding rewards and the role video plays.
  • How to effectively promote your campaign and reach your 'tribes'
  • How long a crowdfunding campaign should be and how much can you raise

Presented by Stephanie Arrowsmith  
Manager of Global Partnerships at - the social impact crowdfunding platform for changemakers around the world.


Free ticket Sale Ended