powered by TidyHQFree FB Rice IP Mentoring Session
Free FB Rice IP Mentoring Session
From IP 101 to IP 1-on-1...
Following on from the success of IP 101, Mary and Nick, Intellectual Property Protection experts from FB Rice, will be back at the Bloom Lab to offer members free one-on-one consultations regarding any Intellectual Property issues you are facing.
Interested? Got an IP problem?
Sign up right here:
Places are limited, so get in quick.
This is an unique opportunity for our Bloom members to receive high quality advice from legal professionals - so don't miss out.
This is a Bloom Legal initiative. Thank you to FB Rice for their pro bono support and sponsorship.
About FB Rice:
FB Rice are experts in the protection of intellectual property and we work with our clients to create strategies with high commercial impact. Our clients trust us to examine their organisation’s strategy and vision, as well as to help realise it. As Australia’s largest independent intellectual property firm, IP is our sole focus, which ensures the best possible development and protection for our clients' intellectual property.
Our advice encompasses the legal, technical and strategic aspects of intellectual property prosecution, and is focused on biotechnology, chemistry, engineering, medical technology, oil & gas, pharmaceuticals, software & information technology and trade marks.
We work with a broad range of clients, who, despite their varied specialties have one thing in common: the need for excellent advice for managing their intellectual property. At every point of the process of protecting our clients' intellectual property, we seek to thoroughly understand their commercial environments and work with them to ensure that we protect the value of their intangible assets.