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Start-Up 101 Workshop

Tue, 5 Sep 2017
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Do you have an idea for a start-up, but not sure how to start? 

Well start your Bloom Membership Application (https://apply.bloom.org.au/) and come along to our workshop "Start-Up 101". 

This 2 hour workshop will introduce you to the Bloom Lean Canvas, a valuable tool that will help you develop creative capacity, entrepreneurial confidence and work you through the steps you'll need to build a scalable start-up. 

Attending the workshop requires you to have applied to become a Bloom Member. 

There is no cost to apply and there is no commitment to follow through the membership process if your idea changes or you decide not to continue. 

If you have any questions, please contact Alexandra O'Brien at alexandra@bloom.org.au 

Bloom is a community of young people creating amazing things. We provide workshops, co-working space, mentoring and more to accelerate the growth of high-potential young entrepreneurs.

Thanks to our partners for making this all possible!
-Foundation Partner: St Catherine's College, UWA
-Gold Partner: The University of Western Australia
-Legal Partner: Squire Patton Boggs

Ticket Type Price
Start-Up 101 Workshop $0.00 Sale Ended

BloomLab at St Cat\'s, 2 Park Road, Crawley, Western Australia, 6009, Australia

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